• English
  • Latvia
  • Austria
  • български
  • Česky
  • Lithuania
  • Germany


DYS2GO project consists of 6 organizations from different European countries:

6 organizations from different European countries

DYS2GO project is coordinated by Latvijas Universitate and together with Socialiniu projektu institutas there were at its birth.

Julita Piguleviciene  + Coordinator Ilze Ivanova

Julita Piguleviciene + Coordinator Ilze Ivanova

DYS2GO project follows an exceptionally successful predecessor, projects Edysgate and DYS 2.0 coordinated by Elearning Concepts and Rietsch KG:

Petra Rietsch  + Joachim Hohn

Petra Rietsch + Joachim Hohn

German organization GedonSoft GmbH is responsible for technical solution of the games and Dyslexia Association Bulgaria oversees that games meet the target group needs.

Daniela Boneva + Elena Mihova + Thomas Deharde

Daniela Boneva + Elena Mihova + Thomas Deharde

Czech partner, Euroface Consulting, participated on several projects focused on the topic dyslexia and implemented their outputs in the Czech Republic:

Martina Derkova + Katerina Nevralova

Martina Derkova + Katerina Nevralova

German DYS2GO blog: https://dys2go.blogspot.com/